We are still here by the grace of God! We celebrated our sixth anniversary recently, giving thanks to God for the ability to bless many lives with the love of Jesus Christ.
Many churches, almost all in fact are struggling to emerge out of this pandemic. Many people are also reevaluating their faith and whether or not that includes being part of a church. Even so, there remains a deep need for us to be connected, in person to each other. While we embrace and understand everyone who is joining us virtually, we also recognize the value of participating in the sacraments and worshipping together in person.
The vision God gave Pastor Phil for this church is to be a community of people who are experiencing God’s beautiful restoration together, who believe that real love creates real change and who are committed, 100 percent, to love all, serve all, and welcome all. We don’t claim to have it all together or be the perfect version of this vision. We do however believe strongly in God’s ability to grow us into this calling.
Take a look around this website to see the ways we are currently pursuing our vision
We value your on-going financial support to keep pursuing the vision God has given us. Your regular and occasional giving is needed now more than ever. If you believe in this vision as strongly as we do, please partner with us financially for the sharing of God’s love through faith in Jesus Christ with everyone! And If you know of anyone who needs a good church home and a loving faith community, send them our way!