Wednesday Night Bible Study
A study on the Book of Romans
Wednesday nights from 7-8:30 pm
Janice Smyth’s house located at 69 Rossetto Dr. in Manchester
If you want to join from your home because you can’t attend in person, click the contact button at the top of this page and request a Zoom link
You can order the study guide online - Click the button below or send us an email requesting one and we’ll get it for you!
Young Adult Group
We also have a group for young adults that meets once a month for encouragement and community service
Email the church for more info! Or if you are interested in helping form a new group!
Growing in Faith
Learning the Way to Live, in light of the Truth about Life as revealed in Jesus Christ.
John 14:6-7
Our message:
Jesus brings new hope to us through his life and teaching, through his death and resurrection, and through his ongoing work in us and in the world. I Peter 1:3-5
Expectation and explanation of paths of spiritual maturity.
At Hartford City Church, spiritual maturity will center on several core themes. Though these are listed in a certain order below, they can all serve as entryways into the life of faith. Part of the work of discipleship is to discern the needs of each person and to “feed their growing edges.”
Helping each person to hear and understand Jesus’ invitation to become one of his disciples. A disciple is someone whose life centers on loving Jesus, following Jesus, and participating in the redemptive life of Jesus.
Helping each person to experience and to receive the grace, acceptance, forgiveness and love of God. Receiving God’s love happens when we first encounter God, but our awareness of God’s love can grow deeper over many years. Learning to experience and accept God’s love is closely bound up with learning how to love God, love ourselves and love others.
Helping each person continually grow in their understanding and practice of the teachings of Jesus. This growth will center on the study of scripture and the application of Jesus’ teaching to our lives, but it will always also involve the work of loving one another in community and the inner work of healing and maturing.
Helping each person to learn to cooperate with the work of the Holy Spirit, so that they flourish and grow the “fruit of the Spirit” in their lives: this centers on learning to experience the presence of God and learning to cooperate with the loving intentions of God.
Helping each person grow in their understanding of the world in which we live and minister. As we increasingly understand God’s creation, our times, and the stories of the people we encounter, we will be better able to express the creative love of Christ.